Friday, October 19, 2007

Words of Wisdom

Yesterday, I was scheduled for three presentations and it turned into six. The teachers seemed to find it’s message important and the kids were very respectful. Every class clapped at the end, which is kind of a way to gauge their respect. Boston has overall been a waste of time, work wise. Students hear have an IV league mentality so it’s hard to get them to think about an alternative school. It’s been a curiosity of course, but my leads haven’t been that great.

After school I came back to the hotel exhausted and took a nap. When I woke up I drove to the closest restaurant for dinner. When I came back I just wanted to cuddle up in bed and be brain dead until I fell asleep. So that’s why the blog wasn’t posted last night. In about an hour, I drive to Rhode Island that will be my 5th state in this 25-day journey. My task today is to capture a sign of the town I’m going to called Woonsocket. After that I have another surprise in the works. We’ll see if it happens.

The Path Comments:
I received this comment via email in response to “The Path” posting. I haven’t asked their permission to post this so I’m going to leave it annoynomance just to make sure. But I think we all can benefit from their words. After reading it, it brought tears to my eyes and made rethink what I wrote. It’s a great response…. Thank You

The Comment:
Ever wonder if the forks in the road are supposed to teach you something that you didn’t know or give you an experience that you haven’t had? Sure your gut tells you to go the other way but yet you still take the other path. Why? Perhaps there is something down that ‘wrong path’ that you are supposed to experience. Maybe it’s not wrong … possibly it’s a journey you have to take. Sure you have to back track sometimes, or even carve a new path to find your original one, but maybe it’s not wrong at all. Something is drawing you down the ‘wrong paths’ even though you intuition says, “go the other way”. Sure, the experience may not be life altering; maybe it’s not an in-your-face lesson about life. Conceivably it’s just an experience to make you appreciate something else. Now, why would the path be so long and daunting just to learn how to appreciate something or experience something almost insignificant is a question for a higher power other than I.

Another thought on this is maybe it’s not a path for you. It’s entirely possible that you are supposed to give an experience to someone else down your “wrong” path, but it puts someone else on their correct path. God may think you are strong enough to take these detours in your own path to help someone else find theirs or be their voice if reason to turn around and take the other fork. Could you be someone else’s ‘intuition’?

Imagine a life full of knowing what to do and when to do it. Would it be exciting? Different for sure, but would it truly be worth living? Think of it this way if you will; how do you write about heartbreak if you’ve never experienced it. How do you write about a still black lake on a nice fall morning drinking a cup of coffee? How do you write about the joy of friends and the pain they can bring? How do you write about faith if you’ve never doubted or questioned it?

Perhaps “path” isn’t the word you should be concentrating on. Direction. If someone says go north, there are many ways to go north. From Florida do you go through Georgia or Alabama? Do you go through Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, then head north? Where is the final destination of “north”? Do you really think God would tell you or even show the exact way to go, really? If he did you wouldn’t have all the experiences you’ve had and will have. Yes, God can and will point you in the right direction but the actual ‘path’ may be up to you. Take a good look at a road map, you tell me if you see a ‘straight’ road or path.

Pete, my friend, you’ve always been heading the right direction, never forget that.

Great advice from my dear friend, my perspective has now been altered. I hope my weary eyed readers it’s brought something to you too.


Stacy Disarrayed said...

Very wise indeed. I whole-heartedly agree.
Enjoy the ride.

The Brooks Family said...

Comments like that make you really stop and think about how we view our lives. That was a very powerful view on life! Thank you for sharing.